Olive Ascolane!

Le olive ascolane devono il loro nome alla città di Ascoli Piceno. Sono composte da olive verdi in salamoia, drupe da mensa dalla delicata polpa carnosa, che ben si prestano ad essere farcite all’interno da un composto tenero a base di carne. Rappresentano una prelibatezza gastronomica del territorio ascolano e sono uno dei piatti più…

Il Pigneto e il Neorealismo

  Per la sua anima popolare e proletaria, il quartiere di Roma il Pigneto (e l’intera zona sud orientale di Roma Prenestino, Casilino e Tuscolano) fu particolarmente amato dai neorealisti che lo scelsero come scenario per molti importanti film: Roma Città Aperta (Roberto Rossellini, 1945) con Anna Magnani e Aldo Fabrizi; numerose scene vennero girate…

Donne e Neorealismo

Il neorealismo, che fu lo specchio di una realtà eccezionale (quella del italiana del dopoguerra), andò man mano perdendo vigore, in conseguenza del normalizzarsi della situazione: per questo dal 1951, il neorealismo conobbe una crisi che portò al suo esaurimento e alla sua involuzione verso temi meno crudi e meno drammatici, che viene identificato con…

The Unilever case

There are cases in which the corporate image varies depending on the country in which it settles. This may be a structural differentiation about the company, or it can affect the marketed product. A significant example is the Unilever launches on the international markets to the same product but with different trademarks from country to…

What is localization?

When company leads into a foreign market, it must take into account many variables depending on the different characteristics of a company belonging to another country. As regard the second strategy, nowadays preferred by companies in their international marketing actions, the so-called localization has demonstrated corporations flexibility and their desire to differentiates themselves from country…

The American Model

The internationalization process of the companies was started primarily by American multinationals that, having saturated markets in the U.S. were forced to turn into new markets. Gradually, this process has allowed the advent of other companies worldwide no longer necessarily on the stage of the global market. Initially the main strategy implemented by the new…

Tha language of advertising

The language of advertising is characterized by a great variety; this is because it is, or should be, understood by most consumers. Inevitably, advertisements designed for a visual medium like television or the cinema screen will be dominated by images, and usually these will be more important than any accompanying spoken or written words. However,…

International context. What is Marketing Mix?

The globalization of the economies and commercial companies has led, over time, to an intensification of communication with consumers of different languages and culture. Within the framework of the international marketing strategies, advertising plays a key role. But we have to start from the principle, from those discipline that govern these global interchanges: Marketing. Marketing…