The Unilever case

There are cases in which the corporate image varies depending on the country in which it settles. This may be a structural differentiation about the company, or it can affect the marketed product. A significant example is the Unilever launches on the international markets to the same product but with different trademarks from country to…

What is localization?

When company leads into a foreign market, it must take into account many variables depending on the different characteristics of a company belonging to another country. As regard the second strategy, nowadays preferred by companies in their international marketing actions, the so-called localization has demonstrated corporations flexibility and their desire to differentiates themselves from country…

The American Model

The internationalization process of the companies was started primarily by American multinationals that, having saturated markets in the U.S. were forced to turn into new markets. Gradually, this process has allowed the advent of other companies worldwide no longer necessarily on the stage of the global market. Initially the main strategy implemented by the new…

Tha language of advertising

The language of advertising is characterized by a great variety; this is because it is, or should be, understood by most consumers. Inevitably, advertisements designed for a visual medium like television or the cinema screen will be dominated by images, and usually these will be more important than any accompanying spoken or written words. However,…

The origin of advertising

Advertisements is no without history. The most basic and still the most powerful form of advertising has been around ever since humans started providing each other with goods and service. Its history is very long and complex but it can be said, however, that in ancient times,the type of communication closer to that of contemporary…

Agharti, il paradiso perduto!

Antichissime credenze parlano di un mondo sotterraneo chiamato Agharti, dove abitano esseri sovrannaturali, conoscitori delle Verità Supreme, incontaminati dal Male. Lì risiederebbe anche il Re del Mondo ed i destini degli uomini e del pianeta sarebbero nelle sue mani. Ma che terra sarebbe Agharti? Agarthi (detto anche Aghartta o Agartha o Agharti, “l’inaccessibile”) è un…

Neorealismo e cinema

Il Neorealismo è un movimento filosofico tendente a rivalutare l’esistenza obiettiva del reale, soprattutto contro il soggettivismo della filosofia idealistica. Nel cinema si è tradotto come una corrente culturale, sviluppatasi in Italia tra l’inizio degli anni quaranta e metà degli anni cinquanta, i cui tratti distintivi erano l’impegno morale, l’esigenza di conoscere e modificare la…

Che cos’è la pubblicità?

Impossibile is nothing! I’m lovin’it! Think different. Chi mi ama mi segua! Cosa voi di più dalla vita? Un Lucano! Chi, almeno una volta nella vita, non si è sentito ronzare nella testa slogan pubblicitari come questi. D’altronde è inevitabile. In tv, nei giornali, sugli autobus, per strada, in radio…la pubblicità è ovunque! Forse non…