What is globalization?



Globalization is a process that involves the financial and economic markets, with consecutive consequences on society and its cultural dimension. The new technologies, the mass communications evolution, the development of Internet and new means of transport, have contributed to bring the distances down, both spatial and temporal, revolutionizing our habits. Today the world  appears  without boundaries, and the most of  populations, with different cultures, sharing the same mass media system, taking advantage of the same images.

With the development of computers and Internet, the process of globalization considerably  increases during the XX century: the world, despite differences and one’s own connotations of every culture and civilization, becomes a “global village”, as is defined by Mc Luhan, a Canadian philosopher of communication theory, where everything is at your fingertips and distances are crossed out. The concept of space changes, and companies, from multinational corporations to national, must face the new market requirements, developing strategies of global communication, thanks to which it’s possible to establish an exclusive territory of brand and export the company’s image abroad. The productive activities unearth new horizons; factories are being built where labour costs are lower, although the headquarters is  located on the other side of the world. At the heart of this process is undeniable the import of the communication, which is distinguished by a new immediacy and usability. In fact, the social consequences of global communication arise with the excessive increasing of the flow of the available information. Increasingly, old and new media, play a preeminent role in every individual life. It should be highlighted  that the international communication organization are a tangible sign of global cultural merger. In fact, if a same advertising is differently recognized by viewers of the same country, companies from different countries , depending on theirreference cultural values, react differently towards even more imported media products, projecting onto them their own vision of reality. Companies that export their own brand abroad must, therefore, pay attention to this phenomenon . Globalization of the image, by itself, is not sufficient to ensure success, as the global brand must be flexible and reactive towards local needs. In the exportation of its brand a company needs to bear in mind several factors including the potentiality of a global advertising campaign, the different perceptions and reaction of the local target toward a single campaign, the distinction of the products advertised, the reference markets differences, the characteristics of different mass media, different attitudes towards advertising, the various local advertising styles. It is, therefore, evident that even global brands must resort to ‘”harmonization” to try to penetrate a market with the best possible communication strategy, respecting the culture and values ​​of the target nation.


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